One month down

There isn't too much to report this week, apart from making it a month in Alice Springs without melting or getting fired. With a few of my colleagues away on leave this week work has kept me pretty busy, and there isn't anything of much interest to write home about.

Instead, I've come up with a list of my favourite things about Alice Springs from four weeks of living here.

1. My walk to work along this path everyday

2. The inclusive nature of the people (like my housemates Sophie and Laura)

3. No one gives a damn about anything. It's a good thing — it gives you the space to do whatever the hell you want.

4. The clouds (when there are clouds) 

5. No matter the time of day, the weather always justifies eating ice cream.

6. I can get to any point in town within ten minutes.

7. The sunsets

8. Parking is free. Everywhere.

9. The stars

10. My job. I get to meet interesting people everyday and take their photo, and I get paid for it.

That's about all I can muster for this week.

Sorry for the brevity of this post, or if it reads like a buzzfeed article. And for those who clicked on the link thinking it was a buzzfeed article I'm sorry for the lack of dieting tips and photos of celebrities without make up.

I'll be taking my foot off the blogging pedal for a while; only posting when I have something interesting to talk about. In the wise words of Jorge Luis Borges, "don't talk unless you can improve the silence."

Emma Murray is a documentary photographer based in Alice Springs. The Alice Years is a personal project documenting life in and around the Red Centre.